The Commonwealth Memorial Gates are a War memorial located at Constitutional Hill, London - 13th March 2023

They commemorate the soldiers of the British Empire from five countries of the Indian subcontinent (IndiaPakistanBangladeshNepal and Sri Lanka), as well as Africa and the Caribbean, who served for Britain in the First and Second World Wars.

The memorial was inaugurated in 2002 by Queen Elizabeth II.

The main inscription reads:

“In memory of the five million volunteers from the Indian sub-continent, Africa and the Caribbean who fought with Britain in the two World Wars”.


Each year on Commonwealth Day a service of remembrance takes place there, with representatives, dignitaries, the military both serving and veterans from all relevant countries.

On Monday 13th March 2023, Trustees, and members of TNCMC were in attendance to pay their respects.

Vice Chair, Pauline Milnes and Trustee Peter Hayman laid a wreath on behalf of the Charity.


The Last Post in landscape, in Poperinge01/10/2023


Forces.Net - New monument to celebrate vital Caribbean contribution in WWI and WWII