The National Caribbean Monument Charity (TNCMC) is striving to have a monument installed in the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA) Staffordshire.

The Arboretum is Britain’s year round site of remembrance with every relevant nation represented there apart from the eighteen British Caribbean Islands whose men and women have given their military service to Great Britain in wars and conflicts going back centuries and still do so today.

TNCMC Patron Professor Martin Levermore MBE, DL West Midlands and TNCMC Chair, Winston White​ on our plot where the Monument will be installed.​

Maqutte Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS) 1938-1949

More than a hundred women from the Caribbean served in Britain during WW11


Please Make a donation

We want to ensure these brave men and women receive the recognition they deserve by commissioning and creating a monument to reflect this.